Oct 20, 2020
Join Sister Joan Tuberty as she takes us on a journey through her life, exploring the power of images, prayer, and the attraction to Saints Francis and Clare who give us vivid examples of following in the footprints of Jesus. Let us listen and learn together:
“I have always experienced Francis and Clare as people of their day, of their time. [It] was attractive to me that it's such a living tradition, that those of us living today should be faithfully engaged in the time in which we're living...All of our life experiences prepare us to be living right now. And to give ourselves to it, bring all that we are into the living present, and be people of prayer who are engaged in the present world situation.”
--Tilden Edwards: Founder of Shalem Institute, author; see https://shalem.org/author/tilden-edwards/.
--What is an icon? To learn more: https://www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources/family/catholic-teens/religious-art/icons-as-religious-art/; for more detailed history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icon.
--Rublev’s Trinity icon: an invitation to prayer: https://cac.org/take-place-table-2016-09-13/; a historical narrative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_(Andrei_Rublev).
--Behold the Beauty of the Lord: Praying With Icons, Ave Maria Press, 1987 is a book Sister Joan recommends. In it he presents four icons, including Rublev’s Trinity.
--San Damiano Crucifix: a description from San Damiano Retreat: https://sandamiano.org/our-franciscan-identity/san-damiano-crucifix/. “The Franciscan Vision and the Gospel of John” by Michael D. Guinan, O.F.M. studies the San Damiano Cross: https://www.amazon.com/Franciscan-Heritage-Damiano-Crucifix-Creation/dp/1576592030.
--“Icons: Gifts of Prayer – Soul Images Made Visible” booklet: referred to by Sister Joan; these booklets including art and reflections on five of her icons, will be available until supplies run out. Please submit a request, including your name and address by clicking on the email icon above, or by emailing fslfpodcast@fslf.org.
--Visitation of Mary: In Christianity, the Visitation is the visit of Blessed Virgin Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, to St. Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke 1:39–56.
--Story of Saint Francis hearing the call to rebuild the church: to read the story, see Legend of the Three Companions 5:13: https://www.franciscantradition.org/francis-of-assisi-early-documents/the-founder/the-legend-of-the-three-companions/1167-fa-ed-2-page-76.
--Story of Saint Francis seeking Saint Clare’s council whether to pray or to preach (action); to see the whole story, see The Deeds of Blessed Father Francis and His Companions XVI:1-13: https://www.franciscantradition.org/francis-of-assisi-early-documents/the-prophet/the-deeds-of-blessed-francis-and-his-companions-1328-1337/2369-fa-ed-3-page-468.
--Clarissa Pinkola Estés: quote “We were made for these times” – see: https://www.grahameb.com/pinkola_estes.htm.
--Centering Prayer is a contemporary form of contemplative prayer; see: http://www.contemplativeoutreach.org/. Consider also a smart phone app called “Centering Prayer,” offered by Contemplative Outreach. You will find many regional websites online listing area centering prayer groups. For those who live in Minnesota, see: https://www.minnesotacontemplativeoutreach.org/groups.html.