Feb 16, 2021
Join our guest, Franciscan Associate Brianda Cediel, as she tells the inspiring story of what she has learned, and in turn teaches, from her childhood in Colombia to co-founding Hands Across the World in Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
Brianda notes that “we are all unique. We are beautiful pieces of art from God. Everyone. ...This is the beauty of our Franciscan values. ...We are open to everyone. We fit, we all fit, under our Franciscan values.”
“We all can practice our faith, but we all have one God in common. This is the commonality that we have, we have only one God. This is the beauty that I see working with all of them. I'm open always to all people.”
“I love when we sit down around the table, people of different faiths, just praying together, learning from each other. We believe there is only one God. And our prayers from the different faiths, we all have so many things in common. I see we are all the same.”
“As Franciscans we like to put our words in action with justice. We are always looking for the needs of the people and make sure that people are treated with dignity and respect, and there is justice. ...We are always looking and identifying for new leaders. We need to be servant to the others so the others can learn about serving. They learn that the power is not only on one person. It's about the people. It's about everyone.”
ESOL, English as a Second Language: for a description of ESOL:
Peace Prayer, attributed to Saint Francis: https://www.franciscanmedia.org/franciscan-spirit-blog/a-closer-look-at-the-peace-prayer-of-st-francis.
Hands Across the World: Co-founded by Franciscans Associate Brianda Cediel and Sister Tonie Rausch in 2003; S. Tonie died in June 2017. Staff and volunteers continue growing this amazing non-profit: https://www.handsacrosstheworldmn.org/.
Engaging Franc Spirituality program: sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls https://fslf.org/FranciscanSpiritualityProgram.
Saint Francis as Alter Christus: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/saints/10/04/st--francis-of-assisi--founder-of-the-franciscan--order--patron-.html;.
Interfaith Prayer for Peace: see https://catholicoutlook.org/pope-participates-in-moment-of-prayer-for-peace/ and https://ofm.org/blog/pope-francis-in-assisi-for-world-day-of-prayer-for-peace/.
Greater MN Workers Center: a non-profit whose mission it is to organize, advocate and empower low wage workers in greater Minnesota; see: https://www.mygmwc.org/?page_id=5.
Christian Muslim Dialogue: see https://csbsju.edu/news/jay-phillips-march-28-2019; and https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/in-minnesota-christian-muslim-dialogue-turns-strangers-into-neighbors-45635; and https://apnews.com/article/f6621f7f15d048098c3779bcad75c947.
Saint Cloud Community Policing Agreement with communities of color: https://www.ci.stcloud.mn.us/DocumentCenter/View/14904/St-Cloud-Community-Policing-Agreement?bidId=.
Catholic Social Teachings: https://www.usccb.org/offices/justice-peace-human-development/catholic-social-teaching; see also Show Notes of Episodes 5 and 6.