Mar 2, 2021
Join Sister Ruth Lentner who sees the Franciscan way as a joyful and hope-filled path into God. Together we explore the soul’s journey with persons, creation, contemplative prayer, and poetry as companions on the way.
Ruth highlights that “Nature is a place that calls me into God in very deep and profound ways. And from my earliest days on retreat, I needed some way to express myself. Because it's like this bundle, burst of energy is inside of me that wants to say something. Wants to write something down. And so I started trying poetry to see if that would be a way that I could express that inner relationship happening with God through the creative world.”
“What I found from writing is that poetry is a really healthy way of interacting with yourself and the earth. It helps you understand some days when things are difficult, you put it down in a poem. Boy, it sure feels better. You got it out. Or you just need to express what you're seeing, where in your soul is being moved and touched by this beautiful creation.”
Rosary: or
Sisters of the Order of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, MN: A monastic community of women who seek God in their daily lives according to the Gospel and the Rule of Benedict. See:
Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls, MN: Catholic women religious who follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and walk in the footsteps of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi. We live a poor, simple and prayerful community life, a ministry of presence and witness. See:
The Soul’s Journey into God, by St. Bonaventure: a beautiful descriptive article about this writing: A readable translation of this work:
Little Falls Garden to School Initiative:
Contemplative Prayer: see:, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church #2709-2719: Also the Show Notes from Episodes 3 and 8.
Hoarfrost: this video describes various types of frost, including hoarfrost:
Julian of Norwich:
Care of the Earth: a good reference to this is Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home. This text is animated by Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Sun; see: